Samstag, 22. Mai 2010


How satisfiying it is to leave a mark on a blank surface.
To make a map of my movement--
--no matter how temporary.

Craig Thompson, Blankets

Montag, 17. Mai 2010

Donnerstag, 13. Mai 2010


Im weiterführenden Gespräch philosophiert sein Jugendfreund und Schlagzeuger Oskar (Ossi) Bonde darüber, dass es ein spezielles Problem ihrer Generation sein muss, etwas im Leben erreichen zu wollen, das über die soliden Lebensziele ihrer Eltern hinausgeht. Während sie sich noch mit einem sicheren Job zufrieden gaben, fürchteten John und Ossi insgeheim immer, eben genau so zu leben und den eigenen kreativen Ansprüchen nicht gerecht zu werden.


"Der Kummer fand mich, als ich jung war und er siegte. Er wird bleiben. Vermutlich war meine Traurigkeit auch gleichzeitig eine Art Trost."

M. Berninger

Montag, 10. Mai 2010


Before I went to the Garden, I was a bitter and misanthropic shell of a person that had lost all believe in humankind and all earthly business.
And after I returned I was fuelled with the energy of love. I was in a blind stupor of it. It was, at least that is what I thought, my work to spread the love, to love everyone and be open minded, to hold everyone dear. It took two months and I realised what I had given up, and my plans did not work out in the least. I submitted to drugs, I despaired, and simply vanished.

R.M. Parkner, The Garden


Music as damnation. I often wondered, did it soothe my damaged self, or did it worsen it.
I loved it, but it kept my spiraling downwards, kept me in a place of eternal sadness. It did confirm everything I felt and left me no other way to go and no possible exit. And they were not my sounds, nor my words. Nothing but some one others opinions and emotions mixed with a little talent and inscribed on some record. I was at a point of not knowing anymore. I laid down my works as an artist and simply stopped existing.

Robert Mel Parkner, The Garden