There are odder things than sacraphobia, said Elvira Campos, especially if you consider that we´re in Mexico and religion has always been a problem here. In fact, I´d say all Mexicans are essentially
sacraphobes. Or take gephyrophobia, a classic fear. Lots of people suffer from it. What´s gephyrophobia? asked Juan de Dios Martinez. the fear of crossing bridges. That´s right, I knew someone once, well, it was a boy, really, who was afraid that when he crossed a bridge it would collapse, so he´d run across it, which was much more dangerous. A classic, said Elvira Campos.
Another classic: claustrophobia. Fear of confined spaces. And another: agoraphobia. Fear of open spaces. I´ve heard of those, said Juan de Dios Martinez. And one more: necrophobia. Fear of the dead, said Juan de Dios Martinez, I´ve known people like that. It´s a handicap for a policeman.
Then there´s hemophobia, fear of blood. That´s right, said Juan de Dios Martinez. And peccatophobia, fear of committing sins. But there are other, rarer, fears. For instance, clinophobia.
Do you know what that is? No idea, said Juan de Dios Martinez. Fear of beds. Can anyone really fear beds, or hate them? Actually, yes, there are people who do. But they can deal with the problemby sleeping on the floor and never going into a bedroom. And then there´s tricophobia, or fear of hair. That´s a little more complicated, isn´t it? Yes, very much so. There are cases of tricophobia that end in suicide. And there´s verbophobia, fear of words. Which must mean it´s best not to speak, said Juan de Dios Martinez. There´s more to it than that, because words are everywhere, even in silence, which is never complete silence, is it? And then we have vestiphobia, which is fear of clothes. It sounds strange but it´s much more widespread than you´d expect. And this one is relatively common: iatrophobia, or fear of doctors. Or gynophobia, which is fear of women, and naturally only afflicts men. Very widesprad in Mexico, although it manifests itself in different ways. Isn´t that a slight exaggeration? Not a bit: almost all Mexican men are afraid of women. I don´t know what to say to that, said Juan de Dios Martinez. Then there are two fears that are really very romantic: ombrophobia and thalassophobia, or fear of rain and fear of the sea. And two others with a touch of the romantic: anthophobia, or fear of flowers, and dendrophobia, fear of trees. Some mexican men may be gynophobes, said Juan de Dios Martinez, but not all of them, it can´t be that bad. What do you think optophobia is? asked the director. Opto, opto, something to do with the eyes, my God, fear of the eyes? Even worse: fear of opening the eyes. In a figurative sense, that´s an answer to what you just said about gynophobia. In a literal sense, it leads to violent attacks, loss of consciousness, visual and auditory hallucinations, and generally aggressive behavior. I know, though not personally, of course, of two cases in which the patient went s o faras to mutilate himself. He put his eyes out?
With his fingers, the nails, said the director. Good god, said Juan de Dios Martinez. Then we have pedophobia, of course, which is fear of children, and ballistophobia, fear of bullets. That´s my phobia, said Juan de Dios Martinez. Yes, i suppose it´s only common sense, said the director. and another phobia, this is one on the rise: tropophobia, or the fear of making changes or moving. Which van be aggravated if it becoms agyrophobia, fear of streets or crossing the street. Not to forget chromophobia, which is fear of certain colors, or nyctophobia, fear of night, or ergophobia, fear of work. A common complaint is decidophobia, the fear of making decisions. And then there´s a fear that´s just beginning to spread, which is anthrophobia, or fear of people. Some indians suffer freom a heightened form of astrophobia, which is fear of meterological phenomena like thunder and lightning. But the worst phobias, in my opinion, are pantophobia, which is fear of everything, and phobophobia, fear of fear itself. If you had to suffer from one of the two, which would you choose?Phobophobia, said Juan de dios Martinez. think carefully, it has its drawbacks, said the director. between being afraid of everthing and being afraid of my own fear, I´d take the latter. Don´t forget, I´m a policeman and if I was scared of everything, I couldn´t work. But if you are afraidf of your own fears, you´re forced to live in constant contemplation of them, and if they materialize, what you have is a system that feeds on itself, a vicious cycle, said the director.
taken from 2666, by Roberto Bolano
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