Donnerstag, 28. Juli 2011

White Days and Red Nights

It was noisy. A noise that raised the hair on the back of my neck. Far-out throats, tongues, and lips forming sounds that wound their independent way up and down the scale with no relation to anything. Whispering, mumbling, fake laughter and true laughter, bubbling sounds, short screams, bored humming, weeping, long roller-coaster yells-all of it in random dynamic waves like some futuristic orchestra. In this meaningless music were sudden cries of such intense human significance that I stood paralyzed.
It was as if all the saints, martyrs, and mystics of human history were gathered into a single building, each one crying out at the moment of revelation, each one truly there at his extreme joy or pain, crying out with the purity of total selflessness. There was no arguing with these voices above the general clamor, they rang true. All around me were men in a paroxysm of discovery, seeing lands I had never known existed, calling me with a strength I had never known existed. But they called me from every direction with equal power, so I couldn´t answer. I stood balanced on the pinpoint of my own sanity, a small, cracked tile on the floor.

Stop-Time by Frank Conroy

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